No longer allowed to retract barony tier vassals from their de jure count.
Levy sizes now depend on the de jure region they are in (the most in the capital county, the least outside the capital empire.).
Increased the cost of reinforcing retinues by 20%.
Levy maintenance costs increased by 50%.
Armies on ships are capped at 50% morale.
A Holding owner's personal martial skill now affects the levy size (exported as HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_BASE and HOLDING_LEVY_SIZE_OWNER_MARTIAL_MULT).
Increased the opinion bonus to +75 when a liege is the primary defender in a holy war (and improved the check).
There is now a +50 opinion bonus when a liege is the primary defender in a war against foreigners.
You no longer get any liege levies from vassals with a negative opinion of you.
You now get and lose the -1 "raised troops" opinion penalty from vassals every 61 days instead of every 73 days.
Fixed a bug where you could not fire the leader of the right flank if the left flank had no leader.
Having a marriage alliance now increases opinion by 30 (quite useful vs liege or vassals).
Waived the creation conditions (culture, religion) for most kingdoms and empires for human players.
Being outflanked is now much more devastating, especially through the center or from two sides.
Added a bottleneck logic to battles where the defender benefits from the surrounding terrain to make the opponent fight on his terms.
Women can now die in childbirth, and there can be other complications, like illness and sickly infants.